JAWiC Quality Control Initiative
Problem : Jamaican coffee is not meeting international specialty coffee standards.
Solution : JAWiC is educating women producers on how to identify and produce superior coffee, first by teaching the fundamentals of Quality Control, followed by education and training opportunities for improving coffee quality.
The first step in improving quality is being able to identify it. As of right now, nobody in Jamaica is qualified as a Q-Grader by SCA standards. By comparison, Costa Rica has over 50 Q-Graders, and Brazil has over 360!
JAWiC is supporting the final stages of certification for our Vice President, Marshalee Valentine, who has been long established as one of Jamaica’s leading experts in coffee quality. By becoming officially certified, Marshalee will help guarantee quality standards in Jamaica are ready for the world.
Marshalee has also begun providing Coffee Quality Control training for others in the Jamaican coffee community, empowering them with the critical analysis skills they need to improve production quality at their own farms and facilities. We intend to expand and continue our community educational opportunities in early 2020.
Who Benefits?
This initiative is targeted at women working in coffee production, especially farmers and roasters, as well as those who may benefit from increased analytical skills, including traders, retailers, and baristas.
Project Lead : Marshalee Valentine
Current Status : In dialogue with potential sponsors and coordinating scheduling for certification opportunities for Marshalee. Timeline target before the end of 2020.
Next Steps : Finalize the plan for Marshalee’s certification. Scheduling more community training opportunities for 2020.
Coffee Quality Control Training led by JAWiC Vice President Marshalee Valentine
June 2019 . Kingston, Jamaica