JAWiC Field Survey Initiative
Problem : Jamaican women in coffee are underserved due to a lack of accurate demographic data.
Solution : JAWiC has developed an extensive field survey, powered by Salesforce. We are learning exactly who we are serving and how we can help them, setting benchmarks for quantifiable results.
The JAWiC Field Survey was designed by our own team of industry professionals and scholars in order to discover more about Jamaican women in coffee. We are using site visits, focus group discussions, and face-to-face surveys to capture the requisite information, as well as to engage our potential members as to what we hope to achieve through the chapter and how they can get involved.
This information will be useful in understanding the experiences of our female farmers, the socio-economic and environmental factors having an impact on their livelihoods, as well as the opportunities that exist for improving on the current state of affairs.
Our survey and analysis tools are provided by the Salesforce.org Power of Us program.
Who Benefits?
This initiative is targeted broadly at serving all Jamaican women in coffee, with a special focus on farmers and rural producers.
Project Lead : Anne-Teresa Birthwright
Current Status : Survey actively underway since August 2019
Next Steps : Further surveying, data processing, data analysis