Be a catalyst for Jamaican coffee farming women, youth, their families and communities!
Your support will aid JAWiC in promoting gender equity in the Jamaican coffee industry, with the aim to improve the viability of smallholder coffee farming as co-operatives, while preparing more women, as well as men, to better meet industry demands.
JAWiC’s Higher Ground project is designed to spur real change in perceptions about quality and gender equity, and inspire action that yield positive impacts on coffee farming quality, capacity and the industry as a whole.
Any size donation counts. Help make the coffee industry more sustainable and equitable today!
Coffee industry leaders are invited to support our 2021 Higher Ground campaign!
Interested in donating?
Mail cheques to:
International Women’s Coffee Alliance Jamaica, 34 Lady Musgrave Road, #18, Kingston, Jamaica.
Make deposits at any JMMB branch islandwide to JMD Smart Business Chequing account # 000300205372. When lodging cheques to this account, kindly advise of the amount donated and how you wish it to be used. Please make cheques payable to International Women’s Coffee Alliance Jamaica and indicate on the back of the cheques, the specific area of contribution.
Contact us to learn more and join today!
JAWiC is a not-for-profit/charitable organization in compliance with Jamaican law. Your gift is tax-deductible. Your donation makes a difference in the lives of women and their families in Jamaican coffee communities! Thank you!