Back to the Future: Organic Coffee farming for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Livelihoods

Women ‘womaning’- Understanding the challenges faced by women coffee farmers
Women ‘womening’- Understanding the challenges faced by women coffee farmers
Remote, Vulnerable and Marginalized: Navigating the treacherous road to Penlyne Castle, St. Thomas

Jamaican Women in Coffee (JAWiC) secures CAD$21,972 grant.

Blockchain Blue Mountain Coffee!
This crisis of the past year has made the need for a solution with the coffee situation even more critical. International restrictions have affected the ability to export this premium product and there is now a glut in Jamaica. The Jamaica Coffee Exporters Association is now trying to increase coffee consumption in Jamaica, not a bad idea. But I’m betting on the Jamaican Women in Coffee’s aim to blockchain the Blue Mountain to truly correct and take our coffee to Higher Ground!

Jamaica’s shades of blue

Jhannel Tomlinson Moderates 'Jamaica's Climate Action Innovators' -- Watch LIVE
JAWiC Secretary Jhannel Tomlinson moderates 'Jamaica's Climate Action Innovators’ -- Watch LIVE on Facebook October 2.

Jhannel Tomlinson Represents Jamaica as a Delegate to UN Climate Action Summit
As one of three Jamaican youth delegates to the UN Youth Climate Summit and as an official member of the Jamaican delegation to the UN Climate Action Summit, Jhannel was actively engaged in both events this week.

UN Chronicle: Moving from Climate Talk to Climate Action
JAWiC Treasurer Anne-Teresa Birthwright is featured in a recent UN Chronicle article: Moving from Climate Talk to Climate Action.

Field Survey: Farm Hill Gap
The women of JAWiC brought the Field Survey to Farm Hill Gap in St. Thomas, Jamaica on 07 September 2019.

Field Survey: Flamstead Square
The women of JAWiC brought the Field Survey to Flamstead Square in St. Thomas, Jamaica on 24 August 2019.

Join Our Microlending Team at Kiva.org: Women In Coffee
Microlending is an innovative alternative source of financing for underbanked entrepreneurs, especially rural farmers in developing nations. JAWiC consultant Jen Zariat is a longtime microlender at Kiva.org, and she’s rallying people worldwide to support Women in Coffee. Join the Team!

JAWiC Joins IWCA at World of Coffee Berlin 2019
Member of JAWiC attended World of Coffee 2019 in Berlin, along with members of IWCA from around the globe, sponsored by UN Women Caribbean.