Support Jamaican Women in Coffee
JAWiC (Jamaican Women in Coffee) is a registered non-profit organization in Jamaica, as well as a recipient of umbrella 501(c)3 status in the USA as a chapter of IWCA (International Women’s Coffee Alliance).
Interested in donating?
Mail cheques to:
International Women’s Coffee Alliance Jamaica, 34 Lady Musgrave Road, #18, Kingston, Jamaica.
Make deposits at any JMMB branch islandwide to JMD Smart Business Chequing account # 000300205372. When lodging cheques to this account, kindly advise of the amount donated and how you wish it to be used. Please make cheques payable to International Women’s Coffee Alliance Jamaica and indicate on the back of the cheques, the specific area of contribution.
Interested in volunteering? Contact us and let us know your interests, skills, and availability.
We are especially seeking mentors in the coffee industry to support our members in advancing their educational and career opportunities.
We look forward to hearing from you — we can always use more help!